
More old pictures

Yes, it's that time again, more pictures for the ages. These are pictures of the benches on Rattlesnake Gulch and at the Continental Divide Overlook spot.


Jeanette said...

I just feel so sad reading these, for some reason...

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Oh, great, Trent!
"for some reason...", JJ?!!

Now what took these guys? rattlesnakes or high peaks?

sheesh! I think I'll give up the wild ideas of collectin' gear and keep my little feet tucked under me on my sofa!

Trent said...

They were all 40+ so it could have been anything. Most likely falls from climbing.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

When you're 50+, that's NO comfort at all!

Jeanette said...

If our names were on benches, C-A, since we are 50+, it could have been anything!! Ha ha ha!