
The new blog

Apparently, I've decided to start my own blog. Mostly because I intend to do some trip updates and profiles and such of the trails I hike and mountains I climb. The biggest reason for the blog is my trip coming up at the end of May - two weeks (16 days, two driving, 14 on the hike) on the Colorado Trail. If possible, I'll update the blog from my phone at segment breaks or somewhere along the way if have cell service, and if I have enough battery power to do so.

I'll also probably do random updates with pictures I've taken (in my first year of hiking it's over 800, and I have no plan of stopping.) I may even end up getting a new and better camera.


Jeanette said...

This is great! Does this mean I can still use your pictures too?

Trent said...


Jeanette said...

Hey, it's working!

Trent said...

I slapped it in the head and told it to behave.

Jeanette said...

I just have to clarify for any reading these comments...I couldn't see this blog in Firefox, but it was working fine in Explorer. Thus, the slap Trent gave it that made it behave!