
CO Trail Seg 2..the night before.

So the night before the hike is here, and speeding by. Tomorrow's forecast is..well, cool. 44 for a high, 33 for a low, in the general area we're heading. It'll be chilly, but not too bad. 60% chance of precipitation. Which means I had to chase all over to get a rain cover for my pack. I got some last minute food and am ready to head out at about 7:00 tomorrow morning.

With two hours of driving for leaving one vehicle at the end, and going back to the start, then getting the one vehicle back..and going back to get the other. If we could swing someone dropping us off at the start, it'd save about 45 minutes of drive time, but, that's how it goes.

Hopefully it's not too much rain. Wait, I'm supposed to laugh in the face of rain. HAHA!

Thought for the day:

Hundreds of years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove... But the world may be different because I did something so bafflingly crazy that my ruins become a tourist attraction.


Jeanette said...

Keep laughing in the face of rain! It sounds like you are well prepared, so have a great weekend!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

It sounds like the only winner of the day re the thought for the day would be the tourist industry! Methinks I'd rather simply be forgot!

Will be waiting for blog reports! I went on a five day canoe trip once when I was young and reckless (and before I knew how to swim). It rained for about 3 out of the 5 days! We had to keep paddling through it all because other groups were booked to have the campsite we were at the next day. It was a good experience -- it builds character. (No mention of the early onset of rheumatism!)