
LABELS! And pics. Can't forget the pics.

Yep, finally, labels applied to the previous posts, and will be added to any future posts I make.

And pictures!

These are more of Rattlesnake Gulch trail - the last hike I did there was with Brad.


Jeanette said...

Beautiful pictures, Trent... although there is no way a camera can really capture what that looks like when you are standing in the middle of it...

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Is that sumac?

Anonymous said...

so beautiful!!! ^_~

Trent said...

I have no idea what it is - it's a small tree-like thing (I have a book of medicinal/edible plants of the Rockies, I should see if it's there.) None of the pictures do it justice. The day was kind of hazy, but the last of the pics comes off as the closest to the color they were. You have to see it in person. There's tons of it all over, and a huge field of it off of the Fowler Trail.